
Home Members

Welcome members! Thank you for being an important colleague and supportive of the Women in Thoracic Surgery. The WTS was formed to bring women cardiothoracic surgeons together and provide a platform for networking, mentorship, champions/sponsors, as well as to discuss shared experience, challenges, wins both in and out of the operating room and to collaborate in research efforts. We are thrilled you are here. We want to hear from you on how we can better support you.

The Women in Thoracic Surgery is working hard to bring value to our members. We want to highlight some of the activities that are meant to support and benefit all members.

  • The WTS submitted a letter to the incoming 2021 President of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the Nominating Committee, on behalf of all women cardiothoracic surgeons, at the conclusion of the 57th Virtual Annual Meeting. We congratulated them on the progress made over the past several years, and highlighted the over representation of men in the executive leadership positions. We offered ideas and our help in achieving the mutual goals of equity in the field and of diversity at every level of leadership within the organization.
  • We collaborated with the AATS, AATS Foundation in creating a new award focused on mid-career surgeon investigators. It launches spring of 2021: the AATS Foundation and WTS Mid-career Investigators Award, worth up to $50,000 and up to 2 years. 
  • The WTS stands in solidarity in support of Black Lives Matter and End Asian Hate, now and always.
  • The WTS created subspecialty representatives to our leadership team, to specifically look at and work towards solutions of the issues that affect the individual fields (thoracic, cardiac, congenital cardiac).
  • The WTS sponsors four trainee scholarships and 3 practicing surgeon awards. We are working hard to continue to add valuable awards and scholarships for women yet to join and current members of the field of Cardiothoracic surgery and WTS members.
  • We partnered with the AATS in important ways including the WTS having podium space at all AATS meetings and WTS representation on key committees, such as membership, diversity, and the program committee.
  • The WTS continues to work behind the scenes to further the promotion, support and equality for all women cardiothoracic surgeons across the globe.